Discover Lithologia: Expertise & Passion for Fossils
Welcome to our information area. Here you'll find detailed information about our fossils: their preparation, origin and the techniques used to preserve them. Whether you want to learn more about crinoids, nautiloids or trilobites, this section will guide you through the steps involved in cleaning, restoring and packing specimens. Dive into the fascinating world of fossils and explore our unique finds!
Fossils for sale: Personal finds in the Lorraine Muschelkalk
The Lorraine Muschelkalk, a geological formation over 240 million years old, is packed with exceptional fossils. In this section, explore the specimens we've unearthed, their history and the features that make them unique on the collector's market.

The preparation steps of a rare fossil ammonite : PELTOCERAS MARYSAE

I recently got this badly prepped ammonite. Since it is a rare and usualy very spiny species , I thought it should be worth to try the preparation of the other side.

Trilobites are among the most emblematic fossils of the Paleozoic era. This section will introduce you to their diversity, their way of life and the specimens most sought after by collectors.
Preparation of an ammonite

Ammonites, with their elegant spiral shells, require careful preparation to bring out their unique details. Discover the techniques used to restore these essential fossils.
Ammonites: Fossil treasures of the past

Discover the fascinating world of ammonites! In this article, you'll learn about their origin, evolution, lifestyle, and how these ancient marine creatures became key fossils for scientists. Dive into their history, extinction, and where to find their stunning remains today
Megalodon Teeth and Shark Fossils: A Collector's Guide

Megalodon teeth are among the most sought-after shark fossils in the world. Witnesses to the prehistoric era, they impress with their imposing size and exceptional state of preservation.
Crinoids, unusual fossils
Crinoids, sometimes called "sea lilies," are fascinating fossils with complex structures. Discover their ancient lifestyle, their rarity, and the specimens we offer for sale. A dive into the history of these amazing creatures!

Fossil nautiloids

Ancestors of today's nautiluses, fossil nautiloids bear witness to the evolution of cephalopods through the ages. Learn more about their anatomy, lifestyle, and the specimens available for purchase.
Preparation of a fossil crinoid lens Scyphocrinites from the Upper Silurian of Morocco
La préparation des Scyphocrinites, crinoïdes fossiles spectaculaires du Silurien supérieur, demande un travail minutieux pour dégager leurs fines structures. Cette section détaille les étapes de préparation et de mise en valeur de ces spécimens rares.