
Fine fossils for sale.

Lytoceras fimbriatum

Lytoceras fimbriatum
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Lytoceras fimbriatum
Reference : COD04
The ammonite is self standing wich make it very decorative.

Name : Lytoceras fimbriatum
Age : Jurassic, Pliensbachian stage
Found in : Fresney-le-Puceux, France

This fossil ammonite itself has a size of 24.5 cm , wich make it big for the species .
It has a weight of 4186 g. I picked it up from a collection sale. It may have some cracks filled, especially at the back side (The back side is not so good than front side). The stone has been arranged for being self standing.
Products available : 1
2025-12-31 349.00349.00
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