
Fine fossils for sale.

Mecochirus longimanatus

Mecochirus longimanatus
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Mecochirus longimanatus
Reference : CRA01-1
This crustacean died of asphyxiation, and it is easy to see the traces of his agony in the stone. Indeed he tapped several times with his tail before dying. Note the large pincers.

Name: Mecochirus longimanatus
Floor: Upper Jurassic, Tithonian
Provenance: Solnhofen, Germany

The plate has been glued and measures 41 x 33 cm. It weighs 2309 g. It contains a beautiful crustacean that measures 15 cm from the end of the pincers to the end of the tail.
Small part of missing shell has been colored. It comes from a private collection. Note the beautiful contrast with the plate and the many details.
Products available : 1
With agony traces
2025-12-31 279.99279.99
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