
Fine fossils for sale.

Rare plant collection

Rare plant collection
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Rare plant collection
Reference : DUI003-2
Dinosaur food !!

Names : Ptilophyllum aequale + Cladophlebis albertsii + Nilssonia kurwia + Ruffordia goeppertii + Zamites sp. cf otozamites klipsteinii + Ginkgoites pluripartitus + Giant undet seed + Little undet seed + Sphenolepis sternbergiana (1x cone & 4 x branch) + Undet cone.
Age: Lower Cretaceous, Berriasian stage
Origin: Duingen, Germany

This fossil plant collection comes from an old collection. Measurements can be taken from pictures.Biigest plant is 10 cm .
This a complete collection with many various species, including some undescribed ones, and some seeds also.
A rare opportunity .
Weight 2.6 kg
Products available : 1
Lower cretaceous
2025-12-31 269.00269.00
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