
Fine fossils for sale.

Seirocrinus subangularis

Seirocrinus subangularis
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Seirocrinus subangularis
Reference : CRI0
Name : Seirocrinus subangularis
Age : Jurassic , Toarcian stage , Posidonienschiefer Formation
Location : Holzmaden, Germany
Weight : 14.1 kg
Size of the stone : 54.5 x 49.5 cm
Size of the fossil : 34 cm

An exquisite crinoid colony, or sea lily, that has been expertly prepared in the rich black matrix of the famed fossil locality of Holzmaden, Germany. Also present is the beautiful golden-toned pyrite for which the finest examples from the locality are prized. The sea lily used its stem to attache itself onto a wood or other organic material in order to float in the Jurassic seas filter-feeding on small marine organisms. The presence of the wood on which the crinoids were attached is very rare and makes this piece very unique.
Please note that the slab has been glued one time in the middle.
Products available : 1
Colony on drifted wood
2025-12-31 2495.002495.00
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